I fully recognize my lack of blogging consistency and the fact that my last post was for Elliot's 2-month milestone. Not only is Elliot 14 months old, but 15 seems just around the corner. I kept telling myself that I'd get caught up in chronological order, but it just hasn't happened, and I'm going to take off my stubborn hat and move on...
This year has been absolutely amazing, to say the least. Devin and I have these amazingly wonderful roles that are redefined each day by a little man who is now marching around the house. We have achieved new levels of patience, exhaustion, messiness, frustration, excitement, happiness, and love.
Love. I really had no idea how profound the love of a parent for their child would be...
Kiddo, you embody happiness! (Most of the time.) Your constant motion is a reminder that life moves quickly and we all need to keep up. You have a fun personality that draws people in, and you capture them with your toothy smile and fantastic blue eyes. You are curious with just the right amount of caution to keep Dad and me from worrying about your every move. You're tough but sometimes a bump still needs a hug and kiss from Momma. You love to watch and be around other children, which makes me think you'll be a wonderful big brother. You are flexible and adapt easily to new surroundings, which has made travel a joy and something we plan to continue forever. You are stubborn, but you come by that honestly.
El, you have made Momma and Dad better people. We are already so proud of the awesome little dude you are, and we can't wait to see what your future has in store. We love love love you, Little Man.

This year has been absolutely amazing, to say the least. Devin and I have these amazingly wonderful roles that are redefined each day by a little man who is now marching around the house. We have achieved new levels of patience, exhaustion, messiness, frustration, excitement, happiness, and love.
Love. I really had no idea how profound the love of a parent for their child would be...
Kiddo, you embody happiness! (Most of the time.) Your constant motion is a reminder that life moves quickly and we all need to keep up. You have a fun personality that draws people in, and you capture them with your toothy smile and fantastic blue eyes. You are curious with just the right amount of caution to keep Dad and me from worrying about your every move. You're tough but sometimes a bump still needs a hug and kiss from Momma. You love to watch and be around other children, which makes me think you'll be a wonderful big brother. You are flexible and adapt easily to new surroundings, which has made travel a joy and something we plan to continue forever. You are stubborn, but you come by that honestly.
El, you have made Momma and Dad better people. We are already so proud of the awesome little dude you are, and we can't wait to see what your future has in store. We love love love you, Little Man.
Elliot's first birthday was a success thanks in large part to his Dad, his Auntie Jill, and his Grandparents, and cousins! I sprained my foot pretty badly that morning, so I wasn't much help; just hobbled around giving orders. ;)
For his first birthday, I made a video for Elliot. Truth be told, it's really for us, but he may enjoy watching it when he is a bit older. I worked and worked and worked on it. Going through thousands of pictures and trying to pick out the best of them is a time-consuming task. And then there was the music. But finally, the night before his party, I finished it!
I wasn't able to show it at the party like I'd wanted because the movie wouldn't upload that morning. (Of course I waited for the last minute to try do that.) In tears, and late to the party, I gave up and left to join the festivities. We were able to show all the grandparents the movie later that night. I wished I'd captured their reaction at the end, but I didn't think of it in time.
If you have interest and time, here is Elliot's video! A word of caution, it's long! Thirty minutes long! I hope you enjoy it as much as I do! :)
Password: Elliot
Elliot's 1st Birthday from Emily Christiansen on Vimeo.