Wednesday, August 18, 2010

The Big One

I am laying on a thin futon mattress on a tatami (mat) floor in a room at a ryokan in Kyoto, Japan, and I'll be falling asleep in short order. After confirming that Yeti had a safe journey to Juneau with my sister, Devin and I spent the day (7 hours of it) walking through Higashiyama, (one district of this large city) in what can only be described as "balls hot weather." It was 95 degrees and at least 90% humidity out there today, and while we looked like we'd just taken a dip in the Kamo-Gawa (the local river), no one else seemed to notice. Needless to say, after walking and sweating all day, and replacing my water loss with Asahi's version of hard lemonade, I'm really starting to fade. But before I do, I want to rewind and add a little something about how we came to be in Japan...

"We should travel. Not just take a trip, but really travel."

We said that a lot during the past 5 years but never acted on it. We took a trip here and a trip there, and don't get me wrong, they were amazing!!, but they didn't quench our thirst for extended travel. It wasn't until last winter, after learning that good college friends were pregnant, that we decided we needed to make a move. (Thanks Em and Wade!!) We knew we eventually wanted to go back to school (Devin), buy a house and start a family, but there was something that needed to happen first. And now, 6 months and a tight budget later, unemployed and homeless, I'm extremely fortunate to be falling asleep on the floor of a guesthouse in the cultural center of Japan... Oyasuminasa!

(Keller, how'd I do?) ;)


Jessica said...

Yay! Brog posts! Glad you made it to Japan safely and Yeti made it to AK safely. Now you have to figure out how to put pictures on here! ;) Miss you.

Nancy Wagner said...

Yippee...saw your lovely faces on Skype Now I feel better. Glad you're having an awesome time so far and that Yeti made it OK. Can't wait to follow your progress and live vicariously through your experiences :) Stay healthy and safe. Luv you lots!