Wednesday, October 12, 2011


Ali & Yeti - Spring 2007

Adam and Laura's dog, Ali, died on Tuesday night.  She'd been with them during such important and memorable years: moving to Arizona, getting married, early married life, a new baby, a growing child, and finally, moving to Minnesota.  Laura, and Adam, I am so sorry for your loss, but how lucky to have had her in your lives, despite her often maddening antics.  She loved you so much.

Of her nine and a half years, I got to live with Ali (by way of living with Laura and Adam) for six months - six months that became one of the most meaningful stretches of time for me thus far.  Having no job to speak of when I moved to Surprise, AZ, I was able to spend a lot of time with Al.  My first nickname for her was "Crazy," and she and I did a lot of walking, talking (mostly me), and soaking up the desert sun.

It was Ali who showed me that dogs really are amazing and have a deeper sense of understanding than I'd grown up thinking.  I remember one afternoon, shortly after I'd moved, I was sitting on the floor in my new room crying and listening to sad music, willing Laura and Adam to come home from work so I wouldn't have to be alone any longer that day.  But I wasn't alone.  Ali was home too and she walked into the room, sat next to me and put her paw on my leg.  (In a blog post it's hard to express the enormity of this gesture, but keep in mind that I was at an emotional low, and my loneliness was hard to manage.)  At that point I broke down but Al held strong and stayed where she was...until, a few minutes later, we heard the garage door open and she tore downstairs to bark-assault Laura who was coming in the house.  I will never forget that moment with Ali - we bonded then - and I've looked at dogs as family ever since.

Oh, don't get me wrong, she pissed me off too.  Like the time I had to chase her down the block in my pajamas after she jumped through the front window after a poor guy hanging ads on the front door.  Or when she ate a whole pack of Oreos I'd been saving for a post-run treat.  Or the weekend Devin and I watched her while Laura and Adam where gone and she  ripped her toenail out and bled all over the house and then barked ALL NIGHT LONG at, what we decided, where the voices in her head. 

But that bark kept us safe too!  I never worried about anyone messing with me while I was out for a walk with Al...ever.  And I know Patty and Jim felt better knowing Ali was home when Laura and Adam lived downtown Phoenix.  And she was great to have around when we went camping, because not only was she a great guard-dog, but she could keep you nice and warm too.  Although there was the camping trip when she rolled in cow poop...

She was always stubborn, sometimes a pain in the ass, and barked more than any dog I've known...but she was protective and loyal, and I'll never forget how she would light up when you asked, "Ali - do you want to go for a walk!?!"

I'll miss you Alabammaslammajamma.  The next time walk into Laura and Adam's house I'll be so sad not to hear your bark and nails on the floor, running to see who's at the door.  But I'm happy and thankful for the memories you've helped everyone create.  Thanks Al!

Ali Iten (2002 - 2011)   

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