Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Father's Day Behind Bars

**Again, I realize that all of these posts are very belated, but I want to get the pictures up, so I'm dealing with it.**

Nancy and Jeff came to California for Father's Day this past year.  At the time, we were still living at the Residence Inn down in San Jose, but we met them in up in the city and spent most of their visit in San Francisco.

That Saturday morning Devin and I drove up to SF so I could show him a flat I'd seen the afternoon before.  We got to 83 States Street at 8AM and 15 minutes later we signed a lease and wrote out a deposit check.  (That's how fast the market is here.)  A great weekend followed, enhanced by the fact that we had a place to live!

We took Jeff and Nancy on the Alcatraz tour for Father's Day.  It was such an interesting tour; informative, and a little creepy.

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